CAF Study Plan for March 2025


☑ Attend the class regularly.

☑ Preference should be physical classes but due to COVID pandemic, avail benefit from online/recorded classes.

☑ Develop the habit of raising question in class if there is any problem in absorbing the concept.

☑ If you are taking online session then stay connected with your respected tutor through whatsapp or any other electronic resource.

☑ If you have missed any topic, learn it as soon as possible without any delay. Take help from your tutor/Quality Assurance/Colleagues/Test Manager department in this regard.


☑ Do your assignment and homework regularly and avoid to keep it postpone as it makes you relax and refresh your mind to absorb the upcoming concepts in a better way.

In practicing numerical:

☑ Complete your solution without any help from given solution

☑ Read the question minimum 2 times and after planning your steps start performing your solution and try to complete the question within the time.

☑ Give every step its due time otherwise Assume any value/numbers and complete the answer.

In practicing Theoretical subjects:

☑ Best way is to perform the answer in writing ☑ Read the snairio with high care and activeness and plan your answer before start writing

STUDY MATERIAL                                                                                                                          

Study material may vary by subject to subject or teacher to teacher or by institute to institute BUT

there is something compulsory to with rest of material:

☑ ICAP Study Text (Revise it at least 2 times during the session)

☑ ICAP Past Papers of last 6-10 attempts

☑ ICAP Examiner Comments (More important for repeaters than fresher)

☑ ICAP Question Bank (Practice regularly as the topic/chapter ends)

TESTS AND MOCKS                                                                                                                              

☑ After you have learned and absorbed the concepts now it’s time to examine your grip on your learning.

☑ Tests should be taken minimum on weekly basis as they prepare you how to handle the questions within the given time with maximum output and it leads

you to your overall success in ICAP exam. Tests are the only way to analyze your preparation level.

☑ In case of online classes, maximize your efficiency by joining online test sessions e.g. SC E-Learning Attempt each test with full preparation and try to finish it within the allocated time

☑ Before Final exam but after your revision, at least 2 papers of previous attempts should be attempted in one sitting each.

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